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Indian Geography / Settlements in India

Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in India

In accordance with Dhebar Commission report, a sub-category of groups was created within Scheduled Tribes (STs) in order to recognize the most vulnerable tribal groups that are at the least development stage. This sub-category is called Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), who were previously called Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs). In India, seventy five communities were identified as PVTGs. The PVTG of Saharias has the highest population among all other PVGTs.

List of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups

The main criteria taken for identifying PVTGs - Pre-agricultural system of existence i.e. practice of hunting and gathering, Economic backwardness, Extremely low level of literacy and Zero or negative population growth.

PVTGs are mostly homogenous having smaller population and are physically isolated. They don't have a written language. They are generally averse to change and use very simple technologies.

The states and their Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups are mentioned below. The states are arranged from North to South.

Sl. No. State Name Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
1 Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh Buxas, Rajis
2 Rajasthan Seharias
3 West Bengal Birhor, Lodhas, Totos
4 Bihar and Jharkhand Asurs, Birhor, Birjia, Hill Kharia, Korwas, Mal Paharia, Parhaiyas, Sauria Paharia, Savar
5 Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Abujh Marias, Baigas, Bharias, Hill Korbas, Kamars, Saharias, Birhor
6 Manipur Marram Nagas
7 Gujarat Kathodi, Kotwalia, Padhar, Siddi, Kolgha
8 Tripura Reangs
9 Odisha Birhor, Bondo, Didayi, Dongria-Khond, Juangs, Kharias, Kutia Kondh, Lanjia Sauras, Lodhas, Mankidias, Paudi Bhuyans, Soura, Chuktia Bhunjia
10 Maharashtra Katkaria (Kathodia), Kolam, Maria Gond
11 Andhra Pradesh Bodo Gadaba, Bondo Poroja, Chenchu, Dongria Khond, Gutob Gadaba, Khond Poroja, Kolam, Kondareddis, Konda Savaras, Kutia Khond, Parengi Poroja, Thoti
12 Karnataka Jenu Kuruba, Koraga
13 Tamil Nadu Kattu Nayakans, Kotas, Kurumbas, Irulas, Paniyans, Todas
14 Kerala Cholanaikayan (a section of Kattunaickans), Kadar, Kattunayakan, Kurumbas, Koraga
15 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Great Andamanese, Jarawas, Onges, Sentinelese, Shom Pens